Category Archives: Uncategorized

I was able to get so many great shots of this cutie pie–and had fun doing it.  Her mom and dad enjoyed watching her roll around in the sand and then soak herself in the water.  They had to drag her out of the water she was having so much fun:)

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Okay, I’ve been slow getting anything posted lately–please forgive me!  We are finally settled into the house in Kitty Hawk and my office is up and running, and I know where almost everything is.  I had some delays getting the internet going here, and it seems like it’s taking the mail forever to be forwarded, […]

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There are still openings for tommorow night’s mini-sessions at Bodie Island Lighthouse.  5:40 p.m. and 6:40 p.m. are still open!  Here are some images taken at the lighthouse over the weekend.  We were scheduled for a beach session but we got tired of being sand blasted so we came across the street to the lighthouse.

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I knew it was a good sign when this family showed up at the beach with a bottle of red wine, even though some of them were dressed in all white!  The kids had fun running around and the adults were able to relax and have some fun too.

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