Well, summer has been flying by, and it’s been crazy, busy, fun, and sleepy:) I feel like I’ve lost touch with so many people, and also met so many great new ones (thanks to my evening outings on the beach). It seems like everyone I talk to says how fast the summer has gone by, and how hectic and crazy life is. Is it the kids that make this happen, and is there something I can do to slow things down and enjoy life without stressing out so much about everything that I haven’t gotten done and will never get done (I’m not referring to your photos that need to be posted, those will get done)? Well, June is 9 months old now and I keep telling myself that I will get my life more organized after I get through her first year. Not that I want to rush her first year, but I really think I might start to sleep again after that. So this is just a blog post to say that I’m sorry for not keeping up with the blog, and hope to get more July session highlights posted soon. Usually they are previews, but now they are going to be highlights since the online galleries are getting posted before the blog posts these days. Thanks to everyone for their patience with me. I usually say that photos will be posted in 1-2 weeks, but I’ve been so busy (thank you all for that) that I’m always right on the 2 week timeline. And I get so excited at my photo sessions and tell people their photos will be posted so soon and then get home to my desk which I can’t even find with all of the stuff stacked on it, and then the baby starts to cry and I’m just so tired. I have had so much fun this summer and have had awesome photo sessions. I’m looking forward to a full August and then I get to start planning my holiday sessions for September & October–and no pregnant belly to work around this year! So in honor of my sleep deprivation here’s a video clip of June:)
Crazy Summer
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